农业 draws 巴西ian visitors to Iowa, 靠谱买球app推荐

posted on Thursday, September 5, 2019 in  大学现在哪些app可以买球

WATERLOO — A 巴西ian contingent is spending time at Northeast Iowa farms and agriculture-related businesses after visits to Illinois and Minnesota.

The group of 12 includes professors, students, farmers, agronomists and business people. 游客, part of a long-running international exchange, are being hosted by 靠谱买球app推荐’s 全球农业学习中心.

Group members first went to the Farm Progress Show in Decatur, Ill., and then spent three days in Iowa before going to the Minnesota State Fair over the Labor Day weekend. They arrived back in Iowa Monday night and will fly out from Chicago on Saturday. 在爱荷华州东北部, among the businesses they have visited are Lanehaven Farms, 约翰迪尔滑铁卢工厂, FS AgVantage在韦弗利, Meyer Agri-Air in Wellsburg and Big River Resources ethanol plant in Dyersville.

布拉德Kinsinger, 肝细胞癌中心主任, said as part of the effort to learn about agricultural practices Hawkeye takes students to 巴西 every March, 由学院基金会资助. The trips grew out of a more extensive exchange from 2009 to 2014 that also involved the 北爱荷华大学, Kirkwood 社区 College and two 巴西ian universities.

“We exchanged students for a semester studying abroad,” said Juarez de Oliveira Jr., a professor at Universidade Federal Goias, with the help of a grant program. However, the grant funds were limited to five years.

“尽管拨款结束了, we felt like it was very important to keep that program going,金辛格说。, so the college started the March trips.

“We are very interested in keeping the partnership,何塞·马尔乔·卡瓦略说, 巴西利亚大学教授. It’s “very good” the effort is “not dependent on budget.” “The visits of Hawkeye students in 巴西 is also very beneficial for us.”

A lot of knowledge is gathered by all participants during the visits, added Kinsinger.

“Every time we visit a farm, an ethanol facility, they ask questions,” he noted. “But we’re also learning from them while they’re here.”

学生们, farmers and business people were eager to share some of their observations — translated from Portuguese by de Oliveira.

“It’s very important to know how you manage the agribusiness inside the farm,亚历山德拉·利马·德西奇诺说, 一个农学家. “Women are very important for agriculture businesses here, just like in 巴西.”

Rodrigo Aires Pereira, 谷神星农业公司的老板, has many contacts with farmers and has made the trip to the U.S. 三次.

“It’s always good for him to know what’s going on here,德·奥利维拉说, because Aires Pereira can share the information with his farmer customers. “They are very anxious to know what’s going on here.”

内森·莫拉·维埃拉·卡莫, 一个农民和大学生, called attention to the technology Americans have in sprayers and other farm machinery.

“在巴西, we don’t have people working in agriculture prepared to receive all the technology you have here,他说. Many farms operate with a lot of hired hands that may not have the background of farmers who own the operations.

拉斐尔·内瓦·莱莫斯, a farmer and owner of Pioneira Agrobusiness, noted that learning about the technology in use on U.S. farms has great value for his company, which is always striving to stay ahead of its competitors.

“The technology that they use here will take two or more years to arrive in 巴西,他说. “首先了解这一点非常重要.”

By Andrew Wind, 滑铁卢-雪松瀑布快递员


  1. 农业
  2. 农业与自然资源
  3. 巴西
  4. 全球农业学习中心
  5. 约翰迪尔
  6. 滑铁卢-雪松瀑布快递员